Bronchitis is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide, causing persistent coughing, shortness of breath, and a significant decrease in quality of life. For those suffering from chronic bronchitis, finding effective relief can be a challenge. Prescription medications often come with a range of side effects, and over-the-counter treatments may not provide long-term solutions. This is where Shelly Manning’s program, Banishing Bronchitis, comes into play.

Shelly Manning, a renowned health researcher and natural remedies advocate, has created a program to help individuals overcome bronchitis naturally. This comprehensive guide claims to address the root causes of bronchitis, offering a pathway to lasting relief without relying on harsh medications. In this review, we’ll delve into the details of Shelly Manning’s Banishing Bronchitis program, exploring its approach, effectiveness, and whether it’s worth trying.

Who is Shelly Manning?

Before diving into the program, knowing a bit about the creator is essential. Shelly Manning is a well-respected health researcher with a focus on natural remedies. Over the years, she has developed various health programs to tackle common ailments through diet, lifestyle changes, and natural supplements. Manning’s approach is rooted in holistic health, believing that the body can heal itself when given the right tools.

Her background in natural health and her dedication to research make her a credible figure in alternative medicine. Shelly’s previous programs have received positive feedback for their effectiveness and ease of use, and Banishing Bronchitis is no exception.

What is Banishing Bronchitis?

Banishing Bronchitis is a natural treatment program to help people suffering from acute and chronic bronchitis. Unlike conventional treatments that often focus on managing symptoms, Shelly Manning’s program aims to address the underlying causes of bronchitis. By doing so, it seeks to provide long-term relief and prevent the recurrence of symptoms.

The program is delivered in a comprehensive guide that includes detailed information on diet, lifestyle adjustments, herbal remedies, and specific exercises designed to improve respiratory health. The goal is to strengthen the immune system, reduce inflammation in the bronchial tubes, and clear the respiratory tract naturally.

Key Components of the Program

One of the strengths of Banishing Bronchitis is its holistic approach. Shelly Manning has incorporated several key components that work together to combat bronchitis effectively:

1. Dietary Adjustments

The first pillar of the program is diet. Shelly emphasizes the importance of an anti-inflammatory diet that supports overall respiratory health. She provides a detailed list of foods to include and avoid, focusing on natural ingredients that reduce inflammation and boost the immune system.

  • Foods to Include: The program encourages the consumption of leafy greens, berries, nuts, seeds, fatty fish, and other anti-inflammatory foods. These foods are rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and essential vitamins and minerals that help reduce bronchial inflammation.
  • Foods to Avoid: Shelly advises avoiding processed foods, refined sugars, and trans fats, which can exacerbate inflammation and worsen bronchitis symptoms. Dairy products are also recommended in moderation, especially for those who find they increase mucus production.

2. Herbal Remedies and Natural Supplements

Shelly Manning strongly advocates using herbal remedies and natural supplements, and this program is no different. The guide includes a comprehensive list of herbs and supplements that have been shown to support lung health and reduce bronchitis symptoms.

  • Ginger and Turmeric: Both ginger and turmeric are highlighted for their potent anti-inflammatory properties. Shelly provides recipes and dosages for incorporating these herbs into your daily routine, either as teas, meals, or supplements.
  • Eucalyptus: The program includes instructions on how to use eucalyptus oil for respiratory relief, mainly through steam inhalation, which helps to clear mucus and soothe irritated airways.
  • N-acetylcysteine (NAC): Shelly recommends NAC as a supplement because it thins mucus, making it easier to expel and improving overall lung function. This is particularly beneficial for those with chronic bronchitis.

3. Breathing Exercises and Physical Activity

Another crucial element of the Banishing Bronchitis program is the inclusion of specific breathing exercises designed to improve lung capacity and function. Shelly Manning outlines several techniques that can be easily integrated into daily life.

  • Diaphragmatic Breathing: This exercise focuses on deep breathing that engages the diaphragm, helping to increase oxygen intake and reduce mucus buildup. The guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to perform this technique effectively.
  • Pursed-lip breathing: A technique for controlling shortness of breath, pursed-lip breathing helps keep the airways open for longer periods, making it easier to breathe and reducing the feeling of breathlessness.
  • Light Physical Activity: Shelly emphasizes the importance of regular physical activity such as walking or gentle yoga. These activities help to strengthen the respiratory muscles and improve overall lung function without putting too much strain on the body.

4. Stress Management and Environmental Modifications

Manning’s program does not overlook this connection because stress can significantly impact bronchitis symptoms. The guide includes several strategies for managing stress, which is crucial for maintaining a strong immune system and reducing inflammation.

  • Mindfulness Meditation: Shelly suggests mindfulness meditation to reduce stress and promote relaxation. She guides how to practice mindfulness, even for beginners, to help manage the emotional side of dealing with bronchitis.
  • Environmental Adjustments: The program also advises modifying your environment to reduce exposure to irritants like smoke, dust, and pollution. This includes using air purifiers, keeping the home clean, and avoiding known allergens.

Effectiveness of Banishing Bronchitis

The big question for anyone considering this program is, “Does it work?” Based on user testimonials and reviews, Banishing Bronchitis is effective for many people, particularly those with chronic bronchitis who have struggled to find relief through conventional means.

User Testimonials

  • Jane M., 52: “After years of struggling with chronic bronchitis, I finally found relief with Shelly Manning’s Banishing Bronchitis program. The dietary changes were easy to implement, and the breathing exercises made a noticeable difference in my lung capacity. I haven’t felt this good in years!”
  • Tom R., 45: “I was skeptical at first, but my symptoms improved drastically within a few weeks of following the program. The holistic approach works—I’ve even recommended it to friends suffering from respiratory issues.”
  • Sarah L., 60: “Shelly Manning’s guide was a game-changer for me. I had tried everything from prescription meds to home remedies, but nothing worked long-term. This program’s combination of diet, herbs, and stress management has kept my bronchitis at bay.”

Scientific Basis

Shelly Manning’s approach is grounded in scientific research, particularly in nutrition, herbal medicine, and respiratory therapy. The program’s emphasis on anti-inflammatory foods and natural supplements is supported by studies showing their effectiveness in reducing respiratory inflammation and improving lung function.

Additionally, the breathing exercises included in the program are commonly recommended by respiratory therapists and have been shown to improve lung capacity and reduce symptoms in individuals with chronic respiratory conditions.

Pros and Cons of Banishing Bronchitis

As with any health program, Banishing Bronchitis has its strengths and potential drawbacks.


  • Holistic Approach: The program addresses the root causes of bronchitis rather than just managing symptoms, offering a long-term solution.
  • Natural Remedies: This program offers easy-to-implement natural alternatives for those looking to avoid prescription medications and their side effects.
  • Comprehensive Guide: The guide is detailed and easy to follow, making it accessible to people with different levels of health knowledge.
  • Positive Feedback: Numerous user testimonials and reviews indicate that the program has been effective for many people with bronchitis.


  • Requires Commitment: The program involves making several lifestyle changes requiring commitment and consistency. It may not be suitable for those looking for a quick fix.
  • Not a One-Size-Fits-All Solution: While effective for many, individual results can vary, and the program may not work for everyone, mainly if there are other underlying health issues.

Conclusion: Is Banishing Bronchitis Worth Trying?

If you’re struggling with bronchitis and are looking for a natural, holistic approach to manage and potentially banish your symptoms, Shelly Manning’s Banishing Bronchitis program is worth considering. The program’s emphasis on diet, natural remedies, and lifestyle changes offers a comprehensive solution addressing bronchitis’s root causes.

While it requires dedication and consistency, the potential benefits—from reduced symptoms to improved overall respiratory health—make it a worthwhile investment for those seeking long-term relief. With positive user testimonials and a solid scientific foundation, Banishing Bronchitis is a promising option for those who prefer natural treatments over conventional medication.

Call to Action: Ready to take control of your respiratory health? Explore Shelly Manning’s Banishing Bronchitis program today and start your journey to a life free from bronchitis.

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