Subduing Demons Through Other Means - HeyHeyItsFei - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)

Sneaking towards the bedroom door, Tanjiro was being careful not to make so much as a sound after he checked that his younger sister was fast asleep. His behaviour could be seen as juvenile, given how secretive he was being, but the demon slayer had a very good reason for keeping things under wraps.

He had received a summons to Tamayo’s private quarters to discuss a personal matter.

While he wasn’t entirely sure what it could be, Tanjiro could only assume that the topic related to the matter of Nezuko and procuring a drug that would turn her back into a human. It meant a great deal to him, and he felt it would be rude to keep someone waiting as he tried to not make a noise.

Knocking thrice on a wooden door, Tanjiro could feel a presence moving around inside. He was grateful that he wasn’t too late, that the doctor hadn’t grown tired of waiting for him. The sound of soft footsteps could be heard drawing ever so closer, and it was only a matter of seconds before he was face to face with a petite woman with long, dark brown hair.

“My, I didn’t think you were going to come, Tanjiro. Why don’t you come in?” The gentle yet amused Tamayo spoke quietly as she stepped aside, allowing her guest the privilege to enter her bedroom. Despite being a demon, she looked incredibly beautiful and could easily be mistaken for a human.

Feeling ashamed that he was being made fun of, Tanjiro scratched the back of his head and bowed before stepping inside. The room itself was nothing spectacular; there was a futon placed in the centre of the floor, with a wooden desk and bookshelf against one of the walls. Multiple candles were illuminating the place, giving it a warm atmosphere.

Closing the door to make sure that their conversation didn’t drift down the hallway and wake everyone else up, Tamayo gracefully kneeled down, sitting formally on her knees as she faced the young teenager. Staring at the innocent look on his face, she politely broke the silence by asking, “Nezuko’s asleep, I take it?”

“Some nights she just doesn’t want to sit still, but Nezuko seemed to settle down and fall asleep quickly for a change. I guess she feels at ease with you around, Miss Tamayo,” Tanjiro averted his gaze just a little to praise the demon for having a kind heart, for helping to treat his wounds and looking after his younger sister.

Tamayo nodded her head understandingly, knowing that the demon slayer had been keeping a watchful eye on Nezuko despite having promised to meet with her to discuss a private matter. She felt somewhat guilty for bringing it up when the mood was so soothing, but she felt it was now or never.

“I called you here to gauge your interest in assisting me in an experiment, Tanjiro. Please, no need to be alarmed. You see, I’m curious to learn the biological difference between a human and a demon. That is, their reproductive functions,” Tamayo calmly addressed the reason behind all of this, why she had summoned the boy here in the dead of night.

Blushing as he hadn’t expected to hear those words leave the kind hearted demon’s lips, Tanjiro was red in the face as he didn’t know what to say or how to react. He was flustered, caught off guard, and he found it hard to believe that they were actually about to discuss whether or not it was possible for a human and a demon to mate, let alone reproduce.

“Um.. Miss Tamayo, what does that have to do with me?” Tanjiro didn’t want to jump to conclusions, but he only now realised just how gorgeous the doctor was. She didn’t look that much older than he was, and her skin was simply flawless, if a little pale. Any man would be happy to have someone that beautiful as their wife.

Feeling like she had forgotten a step, Tamayo simply took a deep breath to gather her thoughts. Staring at the teenager, she sincerely asked him, “Would you do me the honour of participating in an experiment with me, Tanjiro? I wish to see if it’s possible for a demon and a human to create offspring together.”

Blown away by this proposal, Tanjiro was curious to learn about what had led her to test if her theory is plausible or not. He shook that thought, as he felt it was improper to question a lady over something so personal as childbirth. Clutching his knees as he kneeled in silence, he was contemplating what to say, how to react.

Should he turn down the crazy offer, even though it could help build a relationship between humans and demons? Or should he accept it, despite the fact he was a virgin and had no experience with members of the opposite gender? The decision was difficult, and while he wasn’t being pressured to answer, he felt like his pride as a male was at stake here.

“I-I’ll do it. I’d like to help you, Miss Tamayo,” Tanjiro nervously confessed, having steeled his resolve to the best of his ability. While he spent all of his time fighting demons and sharpening his skills with a sword, he was still just a young boy. To say he wasn’t interested in such a beautiful woman would be a complete and utter lie.

Nodding her head, Tamayo hadn’t expected such a quick response. Still, she had planned for all possibilities, and she just needed a sample of the teenager’s sperm. Intercourse wasn’t required, although she felt like she should at least treat him to the sight of her naked form in order to arouse him, perhaps speed things up.

Rising to her feet, Tamayo dusted off her dark floral kimono before loosening the obi secured around her waist. Feeling an awestruck pair of eyes glued to her, she couldn’t help but to giggle before uttering with her gentle voice, “Forgive me if my body is unsightly, Tanjiro. It’s been quite some time since I last tried to arouse someone.”

Tanjiro’s eyes went wide with disbelief as the refined demon pulled her kimono open, revealing her smooth, pale skin. It wasn’t too surprising to see that she was wearing a white sarashi around her chest to bind her breasts, but what was truly shocking was just how ample her bosom appeared to be despite the compression.

Watching as she unwound the sarashi for seemingly forever, Tanjiro was blown away by how the kind hearted lady’s breasts just kept getting bigger and bigger. The question of just how she could bear constraining herself to such a degree to look petite crossed his mind, but he felt it would be inappropriate to voice his concerns.

The simple yet time consuming task of undressing was one of the drawbacks Tamayo had, a fault with maintaining the same appearance she had as a human. The thought did cross her mind about altering her body to make herself less voluptuous, but in the end she chose to cling to what little humanity remained.

Standing naked before the kneeling boy, Tamayo didn’t think much of his gawking. It was a natural reaction, especially when she had been hiding her true worth as a female. Her breasts were gigantic, each one of them being as large as her torso, and while she had once been pleased with how blessed she was to possess such ample assets, she didn’t care much for them after becoming a demon.

Wanting to beat the stunning woman to the punch, to shower her with compliments for being so beautiful, Tanjiro climbed to his feet and stared her in the eye. Blushing like a boy in love, he cleared his throat before speaking his inner thoughts, “Y-You’re gorgeous, Miss Tamayo. Really, I thought you were already pretty, but seeing you like this.. Um.. Y-You’re smoking hot!”

Raising an eyebrow as she hadn’t expected the teenager to be so bold in declaring what he thought of her looks, Tamayo’s attention was drawn towards his black pants. There was a sizable tent growing, one that surprised her as she had never seen a human so well endowed through all of her years of living.

Feeling the gaze of those pupiless eyes fall upon him, Tanjiro knew that he was the odd one out here. Stumbling about as he tried to remove his garments, he almost fell onto his feet due to how much he was trying to rush things. But who could blame him? He was in the presence of a woman with the largest pair of breasts imaginable.

Tanjiro was somewhat ashamed, as he didn’t feel like his toned body was that noteworthy even after all of his training. Sure, he had some muscles and was in good shape, but he wasn’t tall or handsome. Removing his underwear, he blushed before scratching the back of his head and blurting out, “S-Sorry if I’m not up to your standards, Miss Tamayo.”

“Oh my.. Don’t be sorry, Tanjiro. If anything, I should be the one apologising for showing you how ugly I really am,” Tamayo was astounded to see the boy’s semi-flaccid penis dangling between his knees. She tried not to stare, but it was difficult considering how massive his manhood was.

Not fond of hearing the gentle demon belittle herself, Tanjiro stepped forward and delicately grasped her hands. Looking her dead in the eye, he firmly reassured her, “Don’t say that, Miss Tamayo. Really, you’re amazing. Those gigantic breasts of yours, that slim waist that curves out to your wide hips. Y-You’re drop dead gorgeous!”

Almost as if to prove his point, Tanjiro’s penis began to stiffen. The only thing on his mind was how sexy and erotic the doctor was, and what he could do to help her. He wasn’t even aware of it himself, but within a matter of seconds he was sporting an intimidating, unparalleled erection in both length and girth.

“You really mean it, don’t you? Very well. Let’s ease our way into things, shall we, Tanjiro?” A flustered Tamayo announced, her expression making it difficult to tell whether or not she was happy to be praised. She simply stepped forward, pressing her enormous breasts against the younger boy’s chest, before wrapping her arms around his torso and embracing him in a hug.

The difference in height between them meant that Tamayo had to stand on her toes in order to reach up and plant her lips against the demon slayer’s. This was mere to arouse him, to give the virgin a taste of what it was like to be intimate with a female. She harboured no feelings towards him, as he was simply a means to test her theory.

And Tanjiro was more than fine with this, as he nervously grabbed the demon by the waist with one arm while running his fingers through her hair with his free hand. He was careful not to touch her hairpin, as he didn’t want to risk damaging it. Instead, he just let himself be guided through his first kiss.

It was a delicate kiss, one that could be easily mistaken for a gesture of menial affection towards one another. The experienced member of the two was taking the lead, smooshing her supple lips against the teenager’s while being mindful not to overwhelm him. This was child’s play to her, and she intended to keep it that way.

And yet, the feeling of one hand starting to roam her backside made Tamayo squirm, shrieking into the boy’s mouth. She had let her guard down and didn’t expect to have her round ass fondled, but aside from being startled, she was more than happy to indulge him. He was helping further her research after all.

Cautiously exploring the older woman’s body, Tanjiro didn’t want to push his luck and grope those enormous breasts that were each as large as his torso. They felt soft pressed up against his chest, smothering him in the mountains of flesh, and he could feel his manhood start to throb from the intimacy.

Feeling somewhat daring, Tamayo wanted to make this an unforgettable moment for the stud. She didn’t want her intentions to be misunderstood, as she was simply indulging him to ensure that he enjoyed every second of this. Parting her lips, she slid her tongue out, poking against his mouth as if to ask to enter.

Anxiously granting access to his mouth, Tanjiro was surprised to feel a tongue wrapping around his own, drowning him in saliva. He knew in an instant that this was how adults kissed, that he was truly in the hands of someone mature and experienced. His erection was starting to ache in response, almost as if it was demanding attention.

And to Tanjiro’s surprise, he felt slender fingers creeping along his hulking shaft, enveloping him in the palm of the demon’s hand in a moment flat. She couldn’t quite grasp the entirety of his thick manhood, but it was far more pleasant than he imagined. It was the first time a woman was touching him in such an erotic way after all.

The pair intimately made out like this for a short while, moaning into one another’s mouths as their tongues danced together. They were exchanging saliva as if they were dehydrated, and their hands were exploring each other’s bodies freely, grabbing hold and feeling up whatever caught their attention.

For Tanjiro, it was the gigantic, oversized breasts that he was fondling like dough. As for Tamayo, she was getting a feel for just how girthy the erection was, finding that it was far beyond her wildest expectations.

Parting from the kiss as a bridge of slick saliva connected their tongues together, Tamayo felt as if she should continue to indulge the inexperienced boy, to teach him what to expect from his future lover. Getting down onto her knees, she brought her face close to his pulsating manhood and shuddered.

She was up close and personal with a genuine monster, a penis that defied all common sense. Tamayo didn’t know how it was possible for someone to possess such a tremendous weapon, but there was no doubting what was in front of her. Swallowing hard, she calmly uttered in disbelief, “You’re even more stupendous than I thought, Tanjiro.”

“R-Really? I never really considered that,” a bashful Tanjiro blurted out, scratching the back of his head as he grinned. He never really thought much about the size of his genitals, as he had far more important matters that required his attention. His own body and carnal desires were almost foreign concepts to him.

Not paying attention for like a second, Tanjiro was caught by surprise by the feeling of those supple lips wrapping around his bulbous co*ckhead. He didn’t want to believe it, but as he glanced down, he saw that the gentle and matured woman was starting to gobble him up, although she appeared to be struggling.

Tamayo was no stranger to giving a blowj*b, but the last time she had performed such a degrading act was hundreds of years ago. She was somewhat rusty, but that didn’t matter when she was faced with a monstrous co*ck. It was as thick as her leg and long enough to be mistaken for a log.

It was a challenge to get her lips around it, let alone try to push it inside of her mouth, but Tamayo was persistent, wanting to give the boy a taste of what sex was really like. This was for his own benefit, so that he could settle down and make someone feel like the happiest woman on the planet.

Letting out a moan of approval, Tanjiro could feel inch after inch of his manhood being enveloped in the demon’s mouth. Her tongue was lapping away at the underside of his shaft, covering him in ample amounts of saliva, and it was simply a heavenly experience for him. So much so that his knees began to buckle ever so slightly.

“M-Miss Tamayo! Y-Your mouth is incredible!” Tanjiro cried out euphorically, instinctively placing a hand on the co*ck sucker’s head. The way her lips looked obscene as they stretched out, those blank eyes that made it impossible for him to ascertain her feelings, and how she was sucking on him like her life depended on it.

It was such a massive turn on, and he loved every second of it.

Feeling her jaw start to ache from stuffing an impossibly thick penis inside of her mouth, Tamayo was astonished to see that she had only taken a quarter of the girthy shaft. She was sceptical as to whether or not this was possible, but a part of her was screaming, demanding that she conquer this teenage stud, to show him that she’s far too good for him.

Plunging forward as she felt the fat co*ckhead bash against the back of her throat, Tamayo groaned as she tried to stuff every last inch of the monstrous appendage inside of her. Her lips were stretching out, making her look quite ridiculous, and she could feel that her neck was bulging outwards from the massive intruder.

The premature smell and taste compelled Tamayo to keep going, and her senses shut off for a second, only for them to come back when her nose was pressed against the demon slayer’s stomach. It took her a moment to process what was going on, and a shiver raced down her spine at the realisation.

She had an enormous, unparalleled co*ck stuffed inside of her throat, cutting off her air supply and bulging out her neck. In all of her years of living, she had never once come across or heard of a person, let alone a human, that was so well endowed that their member could honestly be mistaken for a third leg.

Digging his fingers into the demon’s hair as he tried to endure the vacuum-like suction that came with residing inside of her throat, Tanjiro was amazed to see that she was capable of handling him so easily, almost as if he was truly just a kid in her presence. A deep moan escaped his lips, one that signaled how thrilled he was.

But as the experienced co*ck sucker began to withdraw until only the tip remained trapped between her lips, Tanjiro started to think that this was over, that this was all that he was going to be treated to. He was immediately proven wrong however, as his erection was plunged straight back into her throat in an instant.

“M-Miss Tamayo..! I-It’s incredible..!” The ecstatic Tanjiro cried out, under the impression that this was perfectly normal, that a woman was supposed to be capable of deep throating him without breaking a sweat. He was thoroughly enjoying himself, but he could feel something swelling up inside of him, a foreign sensation residing underneath his stomach.

Tamayo sloppily and vigorously tried her best to take the monstrous penis down her throat at a swift pace, her jaw having gone numb in the process. She could hardly believe that she was able to do this, let alone the fact that the stud was able to hold out for this long. From her experience, men typically blew their load in just under a minute.

Feeling a little mischievous, Tamayo reached forward and grasped the gigantic testicl*s dangling between the boy’s legs. They were like coconuts in terms of size, and she could tell that they were packed full of an unimaginable volume of sem*n. She needed a sample to further her research, and yet she felt as if a single ejacul*tion would be far more than necessary.

“I-I feel.. S-Something’s coming out, Miss Tamayo!!” Tanjiro suddenly roared out, his voice high pitched as he instinctively bucked his hips forwards, maintaining a firm grip on the back of the demon’s head, almost as if to ensure that she didn’t pull away. His knees trembled and his body quaked as a combination of loud churning and gurgling sounds filled the air for a brief moment.

Having not anticipated that the stud would climax so soon, Tamayo had little choice in the matter as she swallowed every last drop of sem*n. Not that it even made it into her mouth, as it was all being blasted straight down her throat and into her stomach. As much as she would have loved to get a sample in a measuring cup, it was clear she wasn’t allowed to move even a muscle.

Feeling her stomach being filled up over the span of 30 seconds was a new experience for Tamayo, as she could genuinely feel it all residing in her gut. It was swirling around the last spurt of cum was released, and her head was spinning as the impossibly girthy co*ck was pulled out of her mouth slowly.

Turned on more than ever after hearing the voluptuous woman’s hearty gulps, Tanjiro was processing what had just happened. Something had erupted from his penis, and she had swallowed all of it, chugging it down without breaking a sweat. He wasn’t very well educated on sex, but he could piece together what happened.

Leaning forward, Tamayo did the boy a favour as she sucked the remaining sem*n that was left in his urethra, savouring the musky taste on her tongue before swallowing it. It was incredibly dense and chewy, and she could tell that this was nothing in the grand scheme of things. He still had plenty more left in those cum tanks of his.

“I wanted to extract a sample without resorting to this, but you leave me little choice. Lay down for me, Tanjiro,” Tamayo gasped for air as she gently ordered the demon slayer around, informing him that she had only intended to give him a blowj*b. But now that his first load was inside of her stomach, she had to get a sample through other means.

Laying on his back atop of the futon, Tanjiro felt a little ashamed of himself for not giving proper warning to the helpful doctor. He had only prolonged this little tryst of theirs, and while he was overjoyed that he got to experience more wonderful sensations, he felt guilty and couldn’t help but to apologise, “S-Sorry about this, Miss Tamayo.”

“Please, save your breath. It’s my fault for not going easy on you. I’ll take things nice and slow, okay? You’re about to become a man, Tanjiro,” Tamayo crawled towards the stud, her breasts dragging along the floor before she straddled his lap. His enormous manhood was pressed up against her, and she was in awe to find that it reached all the way up to her chest.

Despite being a demon, Tamayo had gotten herself addicted to the taste of the boy’s monstrous co*ck. She was hooked on it, and while she hadn’t had sex in a very long time, her puss* was practically gushing like a fountain at the mere thought of taking something so girthy and impossibly long inside of her.

Watching quietly as the experienced woman stood up and aligned her privates against his bulbous co*ckhead, Tanjiro was impressed to see just how far she would have to plummet in order to swallow him whole. It made him throb with anticipation, as he was only moments away from losing his virginity.

“Remember this moment, Tanjiro. You’re about to taste a woman’s vagin* for the first time,” Tamayo informed the tense boy as she lowered herself down onto his fat shaft, her legs shaking as she bent her knees. The fact she had to actually stand up in order to insert his manhood was unbelievable, and yet the thought alone made her puss* overflow.

Feeling her stomach being lifted up as the shape of the massive dick was now visible and pushing her breasts apart, Tamayo was reminded of the pleasures of what it meant to be a woman. To have such a fat erection prodding her cervix was incomprehensible, especially considering how many inches she had left to take.

Clutching the futon tightly, Tanjiro felt as if he was in heaven as his glans were in direct contact with the demon’s cervix. The raw feeling of flesh rubbing against flesh was out of this world, sending wave after wave of pleasure up his spine to overload his brain. He was speechless, especially after noticing the bulging tummy in front of him.

Hearing groans escaping her young partner’s mouth, Tamayo decided it was time to get started. She had wanted to study the boy’s sem*n before inseminating herself, but she had come to the decision that it was for the best that she just let him try and knock her up, to test whether she was capable of bearing a human’s child.

Raising her hips, Tamayo plummeted back down, making wide movements as she rode the monstrous co*ck to the best of her ability. Her cervix was being battered all the while, causing her to lose her calm demeanour and blurt out in the heat of the moment, “Y-Your dick is knocking on my womb, Tanjiro!”

“M-Miss Tamayo!! Your insides feel amazing! You’re squeezing me dry!” Tanjiro cried out, his voice shaky as his body writhed from the pleasure. Watching those gigantic breasts swing up and down was almost hypnotic, causing his manhood to throb with approval towards the erotic show, and he felt the urge to reach up and grab those swaying mammaries.

Feeling a firm pair of hands grasp her enormous tit*, Tamayo felt a shiver race down her spine as she moaned erotically. Her puss* was being reshaped, most likely never to return to its previous state ever again, and her cervix was actually sucking down on the stud’s huge co*ck, almost as if their genitals were kissing.

Whenever she pulled herself away, Tamayo was overcome with a sense of loneliness, her body longing for that same connection from just a second ago. When they were coupled, she felt complete and satisfied, almost as if this was her true purpose in life. It was preposterous, and yet she was immersed in the otherworldly pleasure with a lustful smile on her face.

Pulling and stretching out the pair of giant tit* that were simply out of this world, Tanjiro could feel that same sensation from earlier starting to swell up once again. He didn’t want to make a fool of himself this time around, so he exclaimed with a raspy voice, “I-I’m close, Miss Tamayo! I-I’m almost there!”

“T-That’s it, Tanjiro! Creampie me! Blow your load inside of my womb! Let us test whether we can produce offspring together!” Tamayo deliriously screamed out as her long lost feelings as a woman were now back in full force. She always had an unbelievable sex drive, and she had almost forgotten all about it.

Sinking his fingers into the massive globes of flesh, Tanjiro bucked his hips upwards and banged against the entrance to the demon’s womb, trying so desperately to force the remaining inches of his manhood that had been neglected inside of her. His efforts were for naught however, as he came right then and there, letting out a bellowing moan.

“G-Give me a baby, Tanjiro!!” Tamayo squealed as she could feel her tummy getting heavier with each spurt of cum, that her belly was swelling at an alarming speed. The scorching hot sludge erupting inside of her was causing her to inflate, and she could feel it with every nerve and fibre of her being.

Pushed over the edge herself, Tamayo began to squirt all over the stud’s chest, marking him with her scent. Her stomach felt heavier than when she was pregnant all those years ago, and she could hardly process how it was possible that her womb could contain so much thick sem*n that wasn’t even spilling out.

Feeling the enveloping walls coaxing every last drop out of him, Tanjiro had lost all sense of time. He didn’t know how long he had been out of it, but judging by the fact that the voluptuous demon was straddling him, his co*ck still lodged inside of her, he could gather that it had only been a minute or two.

“So dense.. Your volume is greater than before. Goodness, you’re simply stupendous, Tanjiro. Maybe I should have asked for your assistance with this experiment sooner,” a calm and collected Tamayo proclaimed, reaching down and rubbing her swollen belly. The feeling of cum swirling around inside of her made her shiver, as her body was far more sensitive than it reasonably should be.

Climbing off of the stud, Tamayo wasn’t surprised in the slightest to see that he was still rock solid, that his magnificent manhood was still erect and as intimidating as ever, even if it was covered in a combination of their own sex fluids. They were done here, and she was content with calling it a night.

“M-Miss Tamayo. I-It might be rude of me to say this, but I’m not satisfied.. I-If it’s alright with you, could we keep going?” A gasping Tanjiro bashfully asked as his body craved more satisfaction. He had gotten his first taste of what sex was really like, and he was eager to try his hand and experience more.

A part of Tamayo was flattered to hear that someone was yearning for her, although she had anticipated as much considering the hormone ridden teenager she was dealing with. At the end of the day, he was no different from other boys his age, although there was one big exception; he was hung like a stallion.

On the other hand, Tamayo saw no real need to continue. Sure, she may have lost her composure in the heat of the moment after being reminded of what it felt like to be a woman, but she had enough cum pumped inside of her that she looked several months pregnant. Heck, her gigantic breasts were resting atop of her swollen belly.

Giving it some thought, Tamayo let out a defeated sigh as she couldn’t bring herself to turn down the opportunity to see just what this stud was capable of. Perhaps having him creampie her a couple more times would raise the success rate of fertilisation. “Very well. For tonight, consider me to be your mate.”

Hearing those words triggered something inside of Tanjiro, as he grabbed the voluptuous demon’s hands and pulled her down onto the futon. With her resting on her back, he positioned himself between her legs, staring at the trail of sem*n oozing out of the red and beaten puss*.

“I-I’ll do my best!” Tanjiro felt confident, determined to please the older woman who had been nothing but kind to him. Just looking at her somehow made him even hornier than he already was, and he couldn’t wait any longer as he awkwardly fumbled for a moment before aligning his enlarged co*ckhead against the sopping wet entrance.

Somewhat startled by the aggressiveness, Tamayo was intrigued to see just what kind of an animal she was dealing with here. A hormone-ridden boy was scary, as they stereotypically didn’t understand what self control or restraint was, and their libido was simply unreasonable to try and keep up with.

Would she witness similar behaviour from this stud? She could hardly wait to find out.

Slowly thrusting his hips forwards, Tanjiro held on to his partner’s firm thighs, using them as leverage as he carefully buried his manhood inside of her. It felt so much different to be the one doing all the moving, as he could actually feel all of the bumps and folds of the tight puss* enveloping him.

Hitting against the demon’s cervix, Tanjiro was once again shocked to see that there were still plenty more inches left to go before he bottomed out inside of her. He thought that a change in positions would perhaps influence it, but it appears he was foolish with his assumption. Not that he really cared, as he was still having sex with an absolute bombshell.

Each time the young boy pulled back, Tamayo could feel her womb clinging to him, almost as if her body was desperate to not let him go. Her body was surrendering to this monstrous co*ck, one that defied all logic, and she was starting to enjoy herself once again, remembering how incredible the pleasures of the flesh were.

Her enormous breasts were bouncing back and forth as she was delicately pounded, making Tamayo wonder how someone was able to exhibit such a level of self control despite only just graduating from being a virgin. She was curious, and she felt like probing his mind just a little, “What’s the matter, Tanjiro? I thought you would be far more restless than this.”

“I-I’m trying not to overwhelm you, Miss Tamayo. I really want to go wild, but I don’t want to hurt you,” Tanjiro confessed as he rocked his hips back and forth, taking his sweet time in enjoying the intimate act. He was brimming with excitement, and yet he was holding himself back in order to be mindful of the stacked demon.

Moaning a little as the girthy manhood hit the roof of her puss*, Tamayo was impressed at how considerate the stud was. He had found her most sensitive spot, and yet he wasn’t purposefully assaulting it. It made her want to place her complete faith in him as she beckoned, “Come now. I told you I’m your mate for the evening, did I not? There’s no need to hold back.”

Tamayo immediately regretted those words as she began to scream her lungs out, a pair of firm hands grasping her waist and pulling her towards the adolescent boy. His movements were far more aggressive than before, and they packed enough of a punch to knock the wind straight out of her.

Hammering away as he surrendered himself to his carnal urges, Tanjiro was thrilled to be given consent from the older woman to do as he pleased. He was pounding away at her poor puss*, stretching it out to match the shape of his monstrous manhood, and his hefty balls were slapping against her round asscheeks.

Feeling like this position wasn’t enough, Tanjiro lifted one of his partner’s legs up and rested it over his shoulder, finding that this angle was like a whole new experience. Each stroke caused him to hit a new weak spot inside of the tight womanhood, and the way the folds wrapped around him was simply mind blowing.

To go from missionary to the leg-glider position so suddenly was making Tamayo’s head spin, as one pleasant moan after another escaped her lips. She was resting on her side, utterly powerless as she was f*cked silly. The thought of this being for experiment was starting to slip her mind each time their bodies collided.

She was nothing more than a mate, a woman whose sole purpose was to satisfy this stud and carry his children. She would be nothing more than a failure otherwise, as it was clear that their bodies were compatible with one another. The way he came bucket loads, how her womb managed to contain almost every single drop. They were meant to be together.

Spinning his partner around so that she was on all fours, Tanjiro hammered into her from behind, keeping a firm grip on her wrists in order to keep her perfectly straight. His vigorous movements were like those of an animal in heat, as he was desperately trying to dominate her before planting his seed.

“T-Tanjiro..! A-Aaah!” Tamayo came long and hard, screaming loud enough to make the walls shake as she squirted like a fountain all over her futon. It was embarrassing that a boy so young was making her look so weak, that he was reminding her that she was still a woman, even if she was no longer human.

Feeling her knees give way as she fell atop of the futon with her gigantic breasts cushioning the fall, Tamayo was blown away by the fact that the stud just didn’t stop f*cking her. To think that they would go from doggystyle to prone boning so quickly made her wonder if perhaps she had awakened a real monster inside of the demon slayer.

The dick inside of her no longer felt like a foreign object, as Tamayo felt incomplete and empty whenever it briefly pulled out of her. It was comforting to have her insides stretched far beyond their limits, to be stuffed full of the fattest co*ck imaginable, and she was starting to wonder if she’ll ever be able to live without it.

Banging his partner from behind, Tanjiro could feel another org*sm approaching. Jumping from one position to another had given him a good idea as to what worked best for the two of them, and while he loved seeing those gigantic breasts sway hypnotically, he much preferred looking his lover in the eye.

Pulling out of her briefly, Tanjiro spun the demon back around onto her back, grabbing her legs just below the knees before pushing them up on opposite sides of her head. With her red and beaten crotch on complete display, he wasted no time in returning to the task at hand; fornicating like a wild animal.

“M-Mating press..?! T-Tanjiro! O-Oooh! Y-You’re going to break me at this rate!” A startled yet overjoyed Tamayo cried out, moaning as she realised that she was actually going to succumb to the pleasures of the human flesh. She would no longer be able to deny that she was a woman after this.

She had forgotten all about this pleasure for hundreds of years, and to think that a young boy, a teenager at that, was the one to remind her of just how much she loved sex made Tamayo feel like she was soaring on cloud nine. She was about to climax once again, and she could tell that she wasn’t the only one nearing her limit.

Groaning as he pounded straight down into his mate’s puss* with all of his might, passing straight through the cervix and bashing his co*ckhead against the roof of the cum-filled womb, Tanjiro let out a dominating howl as he came bucketloads, “I-It’s coming out again, Miss Tamayo!! N-Nngh!”

Tamayo’s lavender eyes rolled back into her head as she could feel an intense pressure focused solely on her baby chamber. Their bodies were now truly connected, and the sensation of thick, fertile seed erupting inside of her made her squirt like a fountain, all the while screaming euphorically.

Not a single drop of cum spilled out of her womb, even as it was inflated to a dangerous size. It made Tamayo wonder if this would even be possible if she were still human, as this was a phenomenon she never knew existed until now. Being inflated with sem*n was so preposterous, and yet there was no denying the reality of the situation.

As the pair experienced pure bliss with one another, neither were aware of the stomping of feet approaching their room, not until someone burst through the door. The outraged intruder had pale skin, short hair that faded from light green to black, and they could easily be mistaken for a young man given the cold look on their face.

“Lady Tamayo, are you alright?! I heard your screams from down the hall!” The uninvited guest yelled out, falling quiet as their cold, hard expression slowly began to melt as they realised just what was happening inside of the room. Their pale cheeks turned pink as they took a step back, having clearly not anticipated any of this.

Pulling his aching co*ck out of the demon’s puss*, Tanjiro didn’t even have a chance to admire his handiwork as he turned around to stare in horror at the person standing at the door. A cold sweat dripped down his forehead as he had all but forgotten that there was someone else he had to be mindful of other than his sister.

“K-Keep your voice down, Yukiko. Really, there’s no need to be upset. Tanjiro here was just helping me with an experiment, that’s all. I know! How about you join us?” Tamayo struggled to sit up straight as her inflated belly was weighing her down. She looked as if she was ready to burst, that she was pregnant with multiple kids at once.

The demon by the name of Yukiko’s knees buckled under the shock as she replayed those words inside of her head over and over. She was normally cold, brash and confrontational, but now she was blushing up a storm, looking no different than a flustered teenager who had stumbled across people having sex.

She was feeling light headed, having never expected to witness her master being intimate with the honest demon slayer. Yukiko was never fond of Tanjiro to begin with, and this only reaffirmed her feelings that she truly did not like him, that she would prefer to never have anything to do with him again.

And yet, the invitation to have sex made her heart skip a beat, as hearing Tamayo utter those words made the temperamental demon unsure whether or not this was really happening. Bashfully glancing over at the naked body, her jaw almost dropped as she stared in both awe and horror at the monstrous erection he was sporting.

“A-An experiment, you say..? I-I see. If I can be of help to you, Lady Tamayo, then I will take part in this despicable act,” an anxious Yukiko stuttered out, uncertainty coursing through her as she genuinely had no idea what was even going on. She wanted to assist her master in any way she could, but a part of her was genuinely curious about the stud.

Taking a deep breath to calm herself, Yukiko rose to her feet and removed her own white kimono, revealing her smooth skin to all present. She was embarrassed that a mere human was seeing her at her most vulnerable, but she felt as if she had to do this, to prove that she wasn’t a mere hindrance.

Tanjiro’s eyes went wide with disbelief as he stared in awe at the sight of the younger demon’s body. Unlike Tamayo, she was petite and wasn’t hiding gargantuan breasts underneath a sarashi. Instead, she had a peach shaped figure, her hips wider than her own torso and a butt so big that it was a wonder she didn’t trip and fall all the time.

Being in the presence of the largest pair of tit* imaginable and the fattest ass on the planet was causing adrenaline and lust to pump through Tanjiro’s veins, his girthy co*ck throbbing vividly. Precum was leaking from the tip, proving just how aroused he truly was to be surrounded by two exceptional demons.

Rising to his feet, Tanjiro approached the flustered demon who looked around the same age as he was. He placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, flashing a heartwarming smile as he retained some level of self control before calmly blurting out, “Relax Yukiko. Miss Tamayo is just testing a theory to see if humans and demons can have children together. I’m not going to force you, okay?”

“C-Children?! Lady Tamayo, please tell me he’s lying!” Yukiko was in pure disbelief despite noting the obvious signs that the pair had been trying to fornicate like animals. The room was filled with the stench of sex, and there was a pool of sem*n flowing out of her master’s privates. Not to mention how massive her belly appeared to be.

Tamayo simply shook her head, smiling out of sheer amusem*nt as she also found the younger girl’s expressions to be entertaining. Normally she was cold and unapproachable when their guests were around, so it was reassuring to see that she was starting to warm up and reveal her true nature to others.

Gulping as she would flicker her gaze between her master and the monstrous erection right in front of her, Yukiko was trying to make sense of all of this. There was so much she didn’t understand, and she frustratingly screamed out, “Why does it have to be him?! Of all people, you chose Tanjiro?!”

“Yukiko, dear. Lay down next to me and you’ll understand very soon why Tanjiro had to be the one to help with my experiment,” Tamayo tapped the vacant space on the futon beside her, wanting the inexperienced demon to find out for herself just how exceptional this teenage stud really was.

Begrudgingly following orders, Yukiko could never bring herself to disobey the older woman. Sitting down next to her, she could smell a musky scent in the air emanating from her, making her shudder as she wasn’t fond of the aroma. She had a good idea what the cause was, even if she didn’t want to acknowledge it.

Cautiously getting down on his knees, Tanjiro slowly approached the temperamental girl, finding it hard to believe that she could have such wide hips and the fattest ass known to man. It made him wonder how she even fit through doorways, let alone take part in combat without losing her balance.

“Just trust me, Yukiko. Tanjiro will take good care of you,” Tamayo reassuringly spoke, placing her hand atop of her fellow demon’s. She knew that the size of the boy’s penis was intimidating, but she was well aware of how incredible it felt to have that monster thrust inside of her and reshape her puss*.

Yukiko nodded her head and spread her legs, revealing her glistening womanhood to the demon slayer. She was apprehensive about all of this, but she had placed her trust in her master, and she wanted to believe that everything would work out in the end, even if she wasn’t fond of the idea of bearing a child to someone she harboured no feelings for.

But Tanjiro was going to change her attitude very soon. Or rather, his magnificent co*ck was going to rock her world and open her eyes to the wonders of sex, even if he only learned about them himself just a short while ago. And judging by how his erection hadn’t withered despite ejacul*ting three times already, it was clear that it was going to be a long night for the three of them.

Groaning as he slowly awoke from his slumber, Tanjiro could feel a pleasant sensation coming from underneath the blankets. To his left was the voluptuous Tamayo, whose long hair was a complete and utter mess as she rested against his arm, using it as a pillow while her bosom smothered his own chest.

There was a vacant spot to his right, one that Yukiko had been occupying when they all fell asleep earlier. Granted, it was the crack of dawn before they decided to call it quits, but that still didn’t explain the whereabouts of the coldhearted demon. She didn’t even make a sound, and her kimono was still sprawled out on the ground, indicating that she had either forgotten about it or she hadn’t left the room.

Feeling suction being applied to his morning wood, Tanjiro carefully lifted the blankets up to reveal the cause behind this gratifying feeling. His eyes went wide with disbelief as a pair of lavender globes stared right back at him, and he felt like the luckiest boy on the planet to receive a surprise wake up blowj*b.

“Morning Yukiko. Eager for more, are we?” Tanjiro tried to be playful, knowing very well that he wouldn’t be punished for such an outburst. Throughout the long night, he had managed to chip away and reveal just what kind of person the young demon was, even witnessing a vulgar expression on her face on multiple occasions.

Blushing from being caught, Yukiko moaned despite having an impossibly thick co*ck lodged down her throat, the vibrations only causing the stud to groan with approval. Her body was aching from being f*cked senseless for hours on end, and she was genuinely impressed at how amazing it all felt in the end.

Being deflowered hurt, that much was to be expected, but Yukiko hadn’t anticipated that having the entrance to her womb be kissed by the stud’s co*ckhead would make her drown in euphoria. The fact that she squirted each time he hammered against her cervix was utterly embarrassing, and yet they had both thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Her impression on the well endowed demon slayer had changed drastically, as she now saw him in a more pleasant perspective. He was kind, honest to a fault, and he was an unparalleled monster in the bedroom. How he managed to dominate Lady Tamayo was beyond her understanding.

And now she was sucking on his dick like it was the tastiest thing in the world, worshipping his manhood like it was a deity. Yukiko could hardly believe how much things had changed over the course of the night, and yet she was perfectly content with the outcome, especially as her womb was stuffed full of gallons upon gallons of cum.

“Miss Tamayo was right. You really are cute, Yukiko,” Tanjiro confessed as he reached down with his free hand and stroked the demons’ cheek affectionately. He couldn’t exactly do much else, considering that Tamayo was still cuddled up to him and didn’t seem to show any signs of waking anytime soon.

Moaning as she was shown love, Yukiko began to suck down hard, stretching out her lips until only the co*ckhead remained inside of her mouth. She was able to take the girthy member with relative ease, and she wanted to make it clear just how skilled she was as she began to bob her head.

Sensitive as he had only just woken up, Tanjiro simply accepted the morning blowj*b for all it was worth, even if he couldn’t really do much else other than to stroke his partner’s cheek and run his fingers through her short hair. He had really done a number on her, so it was only fair he gave her the opportunity to do as she pleased.

While it was humiliating for Yukiko to be forced to submit and to org*sm dozens upon dozens of times by the hand of a human that rubbed her the wrong way, she had warmed up to the idea of possibly carrying his child. Whether or not it was possible, only time would tell, but she wasn’t going to be outraged regardless of the outcome.

Rolling her tongue around as she smothered the fat co*ck in her saliva, Yukiko sucked down hard in order to repay the stupendous stud for f*cking her senseless. Her ass was still sore, and she was almost positive that her womanhood would take quite some time to return to its original shape.

Leaning his head back against the pillow, Tanjiro could feel his climax creeping up on him quickly. It would be the first time he ejacul*ted right after waking up, and he wasn’t sure what to expect. Would his load be as vigorous and abundant as they were last night? Or would it be sorely lacking and pale in comparison? There was only one way to find out.

“Nngh! S-Swallow it for me, Yukiko!” Tanjiro groaned out as he bucked his hips upwards, smacking his crotch against the demon’s face. The feeling of those stretched lips sucking down on the base of his co*ck was like pure bliss, making him shudder as rope after thick rope of sem*n erupted straight down her throat.

Moaning as she could feel copious amounts of cum shooting straight down her throat and into her stomach, Yukiko tried her best to suck every last drop out of the stud’s monstrous member. The volume wasn’t quite as overwhelming as it could be, but she could still sense it filling her gut and swirling around inside of her.

Pulling her head back as she allowed the last spurt of ji*zz to fire directly onto her tongue, Yukiko popped her lips free with an almost comical sound. Swishing the dense seed around in her mouth, she purposefully let her cheeks puff out like a chipmunk before swallowing it all. It clung to her throat, but she managed to not let a single drop go to waste.

Opening her mouth to showcase that she had indeed gobbled down all of the stud’s cum, Yukiko let out a hearty belch, only to blush immensely and try to hide behind her hand. She was ashamed over what she had done, as it wasn’t very ladylike to be making such vulgar noises in front of others.

“That was great, Yukiko. Thanks. How about we go a round or two real quick?” Tanjiro praised the demon for her efforts, only to suggest that they continue to fornicate like animals. He truly was a slave to his desires, and he was just itching to f*ck what remained of the cold demeanour out of her.

The two stared lovingly at one another for a moment, and it was clear that they were truly about to have sex, only for a pleasant and amused giggle to stop them dead in their tracks. The blankets began to shift as the mature woman slowly sat up straight, a wide smile on her face as she had evidently been enjoying herself.

“Oh, to be young. As much as I’d love to let you two run amok, I believe there’s a more important matter to attend to, isn’t there, Tanjiro? Nezuko must be worried sick about you,” Tamayo mused to herself, reaching down and stroking her giant swollen belly that was almost as big as one of her breasts.

The realisation of just what time it was hit Tanjiro like a truck, as he lept to his feet and grabbed his clothes, stumbling to put them on before rushing out of the door. The sound of thudding could be heard disappearing down the hallway, only for the flustered boy to return a few moments later.

“I had a lot of fun, Miss Tamayo, Yukiko. Let me know if you want to do this again sometime, okay?” Tanjiro blurted out quickly, not even waiting for a response as he dashed away to meet with his sister. He reeked of sweat and sex, and he could only hope that Nezuko didn’t pick up on it.

It had been a couple of months since Tanjiro lended Tamayo a hand with her experiment, and he had found himself quite busy. Together with his group of friends, he was headed towards the Butterfly Manor in order to tend to their wounds, although he wanted to make one small pitstop along the way.

There was an awkward silence hanging over the group of demon slayers, as neither Inosuke nor Zenitsu dared to speak a word. They were trying to keep their distance from Tanjiro, as they were unsure how to feel about this entire situation. Sure, their mission had been a success and they had dealt with the demons without sustaining heavy injuries, but there was a presence among them that did not belong.

They were shocked, conflicted and confused as to why the Mother Spider Demon was clinging to Tanjiro’s as if they were lovers. They both knew the truth, having witnessed it with their very own eyes, and yet they still found it hard to believe that this was reality, that they hadn’t just imagined the entire thing.

To see Tanjiro get the upperhand in combat was one thing, but having watched as he whipped out an absurdly large co*ck and f*cked her six ways to Sunday felt like a bad dream for both Inosuke and Zenitsu. Never had they anticipated that such a thing was possible, that there existed a human who would willingly have sex with someone so dangerous.

It was hot, make no mistake, but it made them wonder if perhaps they didn’t have to cut down all of the demons that crossed their path and were hellbent on causing chaos.

The boy himself was rather pleased, as he had successfully added another member to his harem of demon lovers. Ever since that unforgettable night with Tamayo and Yukiko, he believed that it was better for all parties involved if they were to get along peacefully. And what better way to achieve that than by f*cking someone’s brains out?

Rubbing her baby bump affectionately, the Mother Spider Demon was mindful of those she was travelling with, completely aware of how bizarre it was for her to be their enemy one moment, to her being a demon slayer’s mate the next. She didn’t bother trying to clear things up, even though she wished it were possible.

Instead, she was wondering to herself just how she was carrying a human’s life inside of her. Simply thinking about being jackhammered by that magnificent co*ck made her weak in the knees, as she never knew a mere boy could be so well endowed, let alone know exactly how to use it.

She had been forced to cum hundreds of times after their battle, even after she admitted defeat. It was humiliating for a demon to succumb to a mere human, but she had come to learn that the stud meant no harm as long as she didn’t misbehave and try to be violent towards others.

Still, the Mother Spider Demon was content with this outcome, especially as it seemed like she would soon be in the presence of others much like herself. Those who were also bearing the demon slayer’s children, although she didn’t know what to expect. It still bewildered her that a demon and a human were able to produce offspring together.

Approaching what appeared to be an abandoned house, Tanjiro knocked on the door twice in quick succession, hoping that someone was here to welcome him. He waited for a few moments, and the sound of wood creaking made him smile as an all too familiar face peeked their head out through a gap in the door.

“Tanjiro? Goodness, you should have let me know that you were coming to visit,” a surprised Tamayo opened the door to greet the group before bowing her head politely. She was still dressed as formally as ever despite making such a neglected place her secret base, and it would make anyone wonder what someone so beautiful is doing here.

Blushing as he really hadn’t planned to come here, Tanjiro just smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of his head. He hadn’t seen the doctor in quite some time, and he was pleased to see she was doing well. “Well, we just finished a mission up on Mount Natagumo, and I thought I’d surprise you. I didn’t come at a bad time, did I?”

“Nonsense. You’re always welcome here. Let me get Yukiko real quick. I’m sure she’d be delighted to see you,” Tamayo simply shook her head with a wide grin on her face, unable to hide just how excited she was to see the young boy. She disappeared inside of the house for a short while, leaving the group waiting in silence.

Both Inosuke and Zenitsu were envious that Tanjiro was familiar with such a gorgeous looking woman, especially one whose figure was out of this world. She had gigantic breasts as big as her torso that were threatening to spill out of her kimono, and she even had a massive belly that held them up in place.

Their jealousy only grew stronger as a young girl in white appeared. She had a cold, unwelcoming demeanour, but that quickly faded as she embraced Tanjiro in a quick hug. From a mere glance, it was easy to tell that she was petite, although there were two things that stood out; her gargantuan ass, and her enormous belly.

The Mother Spider Demon was shocked to see a pair of demons sporting such large pregnant bellies, ones that put her own baby bump to shame. A gasp escaped her lips as she could only imagine how many children they’re carrying, let alone how long they’ve been like this.

“Miss Tamayo, Yukiko. I’d like to introduce you to the Mother Spider Demon. Some things happened and well.. I think you get the picture. Would it be alright if she stays with you for a short while? I hate to be a bother, I really do,” Tanjiro introduced his latest addition to his harem to the pregnant duo, feeling ashamed for burdening them so soon after their reunion.

Tamayo and Yukiko simply shook their heads, refuting the notion that they were troubled by this. In fact, they were pleased to see that the stud was still sexually active, that he was seducing demons rather than slaying them. It also meant that his skills in the bedroom had most likely improved, making them both weak in the knees.

Climbing out of her box, Nezuko quickly dashed up to Yukiko and embraced her in a hug, having not seen her for a good while. She was met with some protest, but it wasn’t long before the short-haired girl let out a sigh of defeat and accepted her fate. It was obvious she was enjoying it after all.

Amazed at just how calm and collected the other demons present were, the Mother Spider Demon placed a hand over her womb, finding herself wondering if her own stomach would get as big as Tamayo or Yukiko’s. A part of her wanted that to happen, as she had pledged her loyalty to the hung demon slayer.

Feeling left out, Inosuke and Zenitsu could only watch on in envy and disbelief as they could hardly comprehend how someone like Tanjiro had won the hearts of so many gorgeous women. It made them wish they were in his shoes, if only to experience what it was like to have a harem of their own.

A thought popped into their heads, one they immediately shook off; what if there was another way to deal with demons that didn’t involve violence? What if all they needed was to get thoroughly f*cked in order to no longer be considered a threat? It sounded crazy to them both, and they believed that it was utter nonsense.

Nonsense that only someone like Tanjiro could make possible.

Subduing Demons Through Other Means - HeyHeyItsFei - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)


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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.